The Cigar Inn concentrates in given cigar enthusiasts alike superiority in their products and experience. With their knowledgeable staff they will be able to get you the perfect cigar for your needs. Thy also have cigar accessories to choose from. Upon entering, you will be a bunch of cozy leather seats coupled with a very welcoming atmosphere. With smoke places decreasing in numbers in New York, the Cigar Inn is a great place to smoke a cigar and chill from the stresses in life for a moment. The staff is not insidious, so you can have your peace and quiet t yourself if you just need to unwind with your cigar. Even though it looks like there would be, there is no real bar in there so if you what to have a little drink with your cigar, you are welcomed to bring your own. The Cigar Inn is a great getaway for men, okay women too, to get away from life and relax from a stressful day.
1016 2nd Ave.
between 53rd and 54th st.
New York, NY 10022